Sunday, April 29, 2012

What to do..

There are a lot of moments this week where I've sat back and wondered: "What will I do about_____________?" And it's been sort of depressing, actually, because I don't have answers to any of these questions (or at least answers that I'm happy with). So, in this post, I'll try to answer some of those (because the best answers come from frenzied writings on the Internets at a quarter to eleven). 

1. What will I do about....Computer Tech?
            And all the other classes that I'm falling behind on, for that matter? I'm not even doing that bad (A-), but I've just been struggling so much in that class. I can't seem to do the long timings (I must have spent forty five minutes on one of them, making no progress at all...I got 7 or 8 errors each time, and the cut off is six!!!!!!!!!) I don't want this class (or Spanish-see why I have a sub par grade in that class in the previous post) to be the reason that I look bad on college applications or anything like that.
2. What will I do about.....the Biology CRT?
           I took biology this year because I thought it would be more interesting than Earth Systems, and it turned out to be a awesome bonus "Honors Class." However, taking this class was a mistake. It is pretty much the boring-est class that I have ever been in. Now, I don't necessarily blame the teacher (due to unfortunate circumstances, he was thrown into this class without much preparation time this year), but I simply do not like this class at all. And, more importantly, I'm pretty sure that we won't be able to learn enough to do good on the CRT. I took a practice one and got  79%. That's not very good!! I can't even remember what we learned about at the beginning of the year. How am I supposed to do good on this test?
3. What will I do about.....a girl that I (think) I like, but am no sure how to approach her or talk to her about it?
             So, I've had a crush on this girl since the beginning of the year. I think that she's smart and funny, and a genuinely nice person (unlike a lot of people that go to my school). However, it's not that I'm completely afraid of talking to/approaching her (because I have). It's that I'm afraid of saying what I feel like, because unfortunately, I will see her often, just in my normal life, and couldn't deal with that can of dead worms. It would be incredibly awkward to see her if I ever actually said what I want to say. Anyway, next question.
4. What will I do about.....yo' momma jokes?
             I honestly have no idea, except for perhaps building a time machine, going back in time, incrementally stopping in a middle school in from each of the past 100 years trying to find the kid who started these joke and beating him to death with a rusty spoon. (btw[by the way] if you couldn't tell, I hate yo' momma jokes).

That's all folkes..........................PEACEA

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Late Spanish, Funny Video from TKsBurninLuv

So, there is this thing in Utah called the BYU Foreign language fair, and you can go there and see what it would be like if you were dropped into a country that actually spoke the language that you’d been learning for the past couple years. It’s supposed to be a good opportunity to showcase your skills with the language: there are ‘events’ that you participate in (telling a joke, reciting a poem, presenting a memorized prepared talk, etc.) which are all supposed to be in your non-native tongue. These are grade (albeit on possibly the weakest scale in history: good, very good, excellent, and superior…..really, you can’t stick a ‘bad’ in there for the kids who are just mal*). Then you can go into ***Espanolandia***!!!!! and have an absolutely grand time walking around listening to people talk really fast Spanish and trying to buy some crappy store-bakery cake and frozen burritos. Also, you are graded on all of this. It’s basically our term project, and as such, I assumed it would be pretty well organized and easy to understand. It wasn’t, IMO (in my opinion). So, since this was term project, I was expecting a lot of explanation and attention to what we were required to do from the teachers, and the HOUR AND A HALF bus ride seemed like a great time to do this. But walking into the building, I really had no idea where anything was and what I was supposed to do. “Go to your event,” they say. OK, I did that. Then, after I got done (I got and excellent, btw [by the way]) I spent an hour walking around and trying to find anybody (seriously, anyone at all) who was in the Fair. All the human contact that I got was some weird looks from college kids and a look of immense resentment from the general goods store attendant when I pulled out my wallet. I kept searching for the actual Espanolandia, and finally found it upstairs. I went in, and actually I felt pretty good about my grasp of the language. I was able to understand maybe 40% of the words the people said. I got a few stamps on my visa…………………..pause for a second, let me explain the mechanics of this visa:
So, we all were given a fake visa to go on this ‘trip.’ The first few pages are filled with little short paragraphs explaining the rules of Espanolandia (accentuated with little sarcastic lines at the end of each) and then some lines to fill in your personal information. After that, there is a bunch of spaces for you to get stamps from each of the stations that we visit in Espanolandia. In the passport, it clearly states that you are required to get twelve of these spaces stamped.
So I did. I got twelve stamps on my visa, and left (because I was running out of time before the bus left as I had been trawling the campus for a wasted hour and a half). I turned in the visa and certificate from my event, and thought everything was supa-dandy as I rode the bus home (side note: the bus rides, while long, where actually much more enjoyable then the actual fair). Then, today, I look at my grade in Spanish, and I got a 100 out of 170 on that visa. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!! I did the requirement as I was told, but ended up with 58% on that assignment. That is some bravo sierra in my opinion, and has driven me to write this anger-fueled post (also, I needed a topic, and disclaimer: may have elaborated a bit on my anger). So, good buy (at Bowens), and achieve success! (ps mal means bad in Spanish)

Also, my friend TKsBurninLuv recommended this video, I hope you enjoy it....

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Road Trip w/ Hannah!! (Montana aka Miley Cyrus)

What's her photag's name? I need a pic
of me like this :)

What's her photag's name? I need a pic
of me like this:)

My family and I took a road trip to Moab today. I was a six hour drive, which was overall pretty long and boring (like my life….oh, sad). Luckily I had my trusty IPod and a laptop with me, which provided mild entertainment. However, the drive was still SIX HUGGING HOURS through the worst part of Utah, the eastern middle part. All the scenery was just endless fields of grass and low hills. LOW HILLS!! Whoop-dee-doo. That’s what I was looking at the whole time we drove, which, might I remind you, was six hours. Also, my sister invited her friend on this little vacation, so I had to listen to them watch the Hannah Montana movie in the TV in the back. It was not the best of both worlds as Hannah would like me to believe.

Yeah, imagine that trailer, and hour and a half long, repeated three times. That's what the drive was like. Now, I'm not dissing Miley C in anyway, shape or form, it's just that any movie get's utterly annoying when it's been repeated three times (unless you're a nine year old girl and the movie is about your favorite "singer" getting back to her grass roots in the country and maybe, just maybe falling in love with a kind hearted and handsome country boy who may be a little rough around the edges, but overall has a good heart). Well, perhaps any movie except: 


This is possibly the best movie that's ever been made. I can't really describe it with words, but if the trailer interests you at all, go on Netflix Watch Instant and watch it. I assure you that it will blow you mind and that you'll wholeheartedly enjoy it more than "The Last Song" or whatever it's title is.


The management

PS: I'm using a hotel computer and may not have the most time to write this, but more will come tomorrow. bye, and do the icecream freeze